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发表于 2015-2-28 16:15:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
视频:第六届艾滋病防治时尚宣传活动 (腾讯视频)
  图文和视频:金美翎 (QQ空间)
  Another year, another year we are here at the Castle in Chicago. We have a common goal: raise the awareness of AIDS and HIV.
  John Flemming: "So this year, there is a little bit of sadness in the air, I think because we have lost so many people to HIV and AIDS, and we are beginning right now to spread the words a little bit more. The crowd was bigger this year, so obviously people are getting our message, and feeling our concern. We are very blessed, and you are the first one to get to hear this, to be able to say that, we are moving the event to the Lyric Opera House next year, so the theme of next year is going to be "Walking to the Pleasure Dome." So many of the clothes are going to be very sensuous, sexual, some leather; some bondage, to make it fitting for the Lyric Opera House."
  John Flemming:“今年有更多的人面临沮丧与困境,因为艾滋病患者去世的数目逐渐上涨。我们也在进一步宣传防治艾滋病的常识。今年来参加活动的人比以往都多,说明越来越多的人开始注意到我们组织。我很高兴宣布我们明年的走秀活动会在芝加哥歌剧院举行。明年活动主题叫‘走进穹顶乐园’。因此明年展示的服装将会比较性感,主打皮革、性奴文化等等。”
  This is the annual STRUT AIDS awareness fashion event. This event is a showcase for all the local talents. However, this year we added several student designers to the show.
  Jason Guo: "This event means a lot to 'Maybe Sunday', because we started this group two months ago. And we are very excited to see, this thing to be out in the real world. And for this event, to bring us more exposure. For us, also help the CCHE to end AIDS as well."
  Jason Guo:“本活动对于我们‘Maybe Sunday’服装商很重要,因为我们公司两个月之前才成立起来的。能得到推广和支持,我们也很高兴。同时,我们也愿意帮助芝加哥健康中心加强人们对艾滋病病毒的防治意识。”
  Dhedi Willoughby: "It brings together some phenomenal designers, whether they are already established in the industry, or students fresh out of the college, it is just a great, great, great show. I look forward to doing it, and I was in the very first one. So it is getting better every year. And it is really good to have something like this in the community."
  Dhedi Willoughby:“本活动可以吸引到这么多优秀的时尚设计师和在校设计学生,我是相当支持的。我从第一届活动走过来,STRUT这一路真的是进步了很多。”
  Last year, I introduced to you the differences between AIDS and HIV, also I told you about several local Health Centers in Chicago that you can get checked for HIV. If you want to check your health privately, what should you do? Let me tell you how.
  Actually, you can find HIV swipe test kits at many American drug stores such as Wallgreens or CVS. Last year, I showed you several places you can get free HIV testing, however, the staff may ask about your private life. If you want to avoid that, why don't you try this method?
  Mr. Platinum: "For me and my company, to be a part of such a wonderful and positive event, definitely means something special to me."
  Mr. Platinum:“能参与这种爱心慈善活动,对于我和我的服装店来说是种荣幸。”
  Casey Holtz: "Being a part of this event means the world to me, I have done it the past two years, and I think it is really important, as an artist, just a person, to take the interest and things that are outside of your own work, and to do something that's beneficial for your community, and just overall, for a good cause."
  Casey Holtz:“这个活动对于我来说很特别,我已经参与两年了。对我们艺术家而言,能够把我们的作品作为公益活动的一部分让我倍感高兴。”
  Renisha Clarke: "I encourage everyone to come out, support HIV prevention, and support this event."
  Renisha Clarke:“我鼓励每个人都要支持此善举,一起加强防治艾滋病的重要性。”
  Chris Bruce: "We are using this beautiful thing called 'Fashion To Do So.' It is just one beautiful thing itself. And also it represents the upcoming and new field that Chicago has in fashion.
  Christ Bruce:“可能这就是时尚所赐给的能量吧,它可以吸引并影响到这么多的人群。同时也展示了一些芝加哥的新时尚。”
  Kuang Ye:"I am very glad that John picked me. And also I want everyone to look at my senior pieces."
  Kuang Ye:“我很荣幸能够收到John的邀请,同时我也很想展示自己的毕业作品。”
  Tiffany:" I actually had someone to pass away from it, so that is one of my main reasons why do the show."
  Courtney Lucansky: "It's a great deal to me, because it is a creative outlet where I get to express my artistic vision."
  Courtney Lucansky:“对我而言,此活动是一个让我可以大胆发挥设计创意的平台。”
  金美翎,美国90后华侨女生,芝加哥知名模特儿、双语媒体记者、瑜伽红人、图片和视频后期制作及美食爱好者。她在腾讯教育博客频道发表的博文深受读者喜爱,为华人展示了发生在美国社会的种种生活乐趣,让更多人了解华侨在美国的生活。曾入围中国网民文化节博客大赛总决赛,被评为“腾讯新锐教育红人”。她于2013年创立自己的媒体平台“美翎工作室”(Studio Meiling)。

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